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Running Biomechanics

With a long list of positive health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health and mental wellbeing, it’s no wonder why running is the most popular form of exercise in the UK. However, it also has the highest incidence of injury. Problems arise when we ask our bodies to run in a biomechanically deconditioned state.

Why does it hurt when I run?

lf you are feeling aches and pains throughout your body after training it’s essential to determine the cause of the discomfort.

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, we offer a specialist running biomechanics service to help put the enjoyment back into your sport. 

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A running analysis at Stepthotix is comprised of 4 main components:


Functional Movement Analysis

An assessment of 16 specific exercises and movements, designed to reveal notable weaknesses and inefficiencies in specific muscle groups, will be conducted.

This unique, functional approach to neuromotor performance will focus on re-programming movement patterns that have been altered due to lifestyle, habits or previous injury.

Objective measurements of each exercise and movement will allow for scores to be re-tested to quantify improvements in your speed, balance, co-ordination and rhythm.


Biomechanical Video Analysis

Your running technique on a treadmill will be filmed at 60 frames per second from different angles. Through Dartfish technology, a frame-by-frame analysis of the footage will identify any postural and movement issues that put your body at risk of injury.

Detailed observations of your upper body, lower body and midsection will be made during the stance and flight phases of running.

Additionally, improvement to your running technique will be suggested in order to enhance efficiency.


Dynamic Movement Skills

We will personalise a training and rehabilitation programme for you that stimulates both the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System to refine and develop neuromuscular efficiency and motor patterns.

These skills will ultimately help to increase movement competence and confidence during running and sports.


Orthotics and Running Shoes

As part of the initial assessment, you will be fitted with a pair of personalised low-strength orthotics in order to assess the efficacy of orthotic-based treatment.

Progression onto permanent orthotics is not always required. Recommendations will be given to you on the most suitable running shoes currently on the market, based on your foot type.

Running Assessment & Personalised Insoles


(1 pair)

This treatment includes 3 sessions

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