The way we exercise and work has changed in the last few generations. Our bodies were designed to be hunter/gatherers. As the technological revolution has enveloped our lives, our bodies have begun the process of deconditioning.
Where our muscles were once responsible for performing a variety of different movements throughout the day, they are now performing, semi-static, repetitive movements when we work at our desks or larger repetitive movements when we are in the gym.
Functional Movement Analysis
The Functional Movement Analysis is a practical assessment tool consisting of a series of functional movements that allow us to identify:
This unique, functional approach to neuromotor performance will focus on re-programming movement patterns that have been altered due to lifestyle, habits or previous injury. Objective measurements of each exercise and movement will allow for scores to be re-tested to quantify improvements in your speed, balance, co-ordination and rhythm.
Biomechanical Video Gait Analysis
Being a complex system that involves the skeleton, muscles and nervous system, walking is a good indicator of an individual’s general health status and can be useful in detecting, treating or monitoring pathologies.
Your walking technique on a treadmill will be filmed at 60 frames per second from different angles. Through Dartfish technology, a frame-by-frame analysis of the footage will identify any postural and movement issues that put your body at risk of injury. Detailed observations of your upper body, lower body and midsection will be made during the stance and swing phases of gait. Additionally, improvement to your walking technique will be made in order to enhance neuromotor efficiency.
Dynamic Movement Skills
Dynamic Movement Skills™ (DMS) is a training and rehabilitation methodology that stimulates the central nervous System and the peripheral nervous system. The DMS methodology helps to refine and develop neuromuscular efficiency and to change motor patterns to make movement more efficient.
DMS Rehab is a movement repatterning tool that will re-educate the movement patterns interrupted after injury or surgery. It works by stimulating the neuromuscular and the proprioceptive system to inhibit pain, change the inefficient movement patterns, reduce compensation and attain a more functional, fluid and efficient movement.
Our Movement Repatterning service is suitable if you’re already injured or struggling to find a solution to your problems.
We have successfully helped clients ranging from those who simply want to enjoy walking without recurrent aches and pains, to those suffering with neurological conditions who want to maintain their functionality and independence.
Our treatment plan normally consist of three separate appointments.
We have helped a number of athletes from different sporting backgrounds such as rowing and tennis to prevent or overcome injury and optimise performance.
(3 appointments)
£45 for each additional appointment
You will undergo a full body Functional Movement Assessment & Video Gait Analysis and the results will be shown to you highlighting key biomechanical abnormalities.
A personalised Dynamic Movement Skills programme will be prescribed to restore optimal function, enabling efficient movement, improved performance and reduction in the risk of injury.
You will undergo a re-screen to establish which areas have improved with the exercises. Once this is understood, additional exercises will be given to consolidate your improved alignment & performance.